
Commands are useful to do cool stuff in-game!

To use commands, type / or ! before the command!

Rank Name
O CPPS Owner
A Administrator
M Moderator
R Regular
Command Example Description Rank Premium?
!ID !ID Retrieves the ID of your account. R+ No
!AC !AC 5000 Adds coins to your account. R+ No
!AI !AI 101 Adds an item to your inventory. R+ No
!USERS !USERS Retrieves the amount of users the CPPS you're on. R+ No
!JR !JR 100 Joins a room ID of your choice. !JR 100 joins the town. R+ No
!MPR / POPULAR !MPR / POPULAR Sends you to the room with the most users in it. R+ No
!PING !PING If the Bot replies with "Pong" you are still connected to the game. R+ No
!TF !TF Loads the settings allowing you to transform into a different species. R+ No
!GLOWS !GLOWS Loads the settings allowing you to edit your glows. R+ No
!SIZE !SIZE 3 Changes the size of your player. !SIZE 6 being the biggest and !SIZE 1 being the smallest. R+ No
!SPEED !SPEED 100 Changes the speed of your player. !SPEED 1 being the default speed and !SPEED 100 being the fastest speed. R+ No
!ALPHA !ALPHA 25 Changes the visibility of your player. !ALPHA 25 being the least visible and !ALPHA 100 being the default visibility. R+ Yes
!SUMMON !SUMMON Rocket Summons a player to the room you are in. M+ No
!SUMMONALL !SUMMONALL Summons all players to the room you are in. A+ No
!KICK !KICK Rocket Kicks a player from the CPPS. M+ No
!BAN !BAN Rocket Bans a player from the CPPS. M+ No
!UNBAN !UNBAN Rocket Unbans a player from the CPPS. M+ No
!IPBAN !IPBAN Rocket IPBans a player from the CPPS. A+ Yes
!UNIPBAN !UNIPBAN Rocket Un-IPBans a player from the CPPS. A+ Yes
!DEMOTE !DEMOTE Rocket Demotes a player from the CPPS. O+ No
!MOD !MOD Rocket Makes a player a Moderator on the CPPS. A+ No
!ADMIN !ADMIN Rocket Makes a player an Administrator on the CPPS. A+ No
!OWNER !OWNER Rocket Makes a player an Owner on the CPPS. O+ No
!TITLE !TITLE Hello Gives you a title beneath your player. R+ No
!TCOLOR !TCOLOR FFFFFF Gives your title a color. R+ No
!GLOBAL !GLOBAL Hello Shows a message to every user on the CPPS VIA the bot. M+ No
!RGLOBAL !RGLOBAL Hello Shows a message to every user in the room on the CPPS VIA the bot. M+ No
!BGLOBAL !BGLOBAL Hello Shows a message to every user in the room on the CPPS VIA a blue popup box. M+ No
!LGLOBAL !LGLOBAL Hello Shows a message to every user in the room on the CPPS VIA a large global box. M+ No
!YOUTUBE !YOUTUBE LINK Playes youtube music to everybody in the CPPS. R+ Yes
!QUEUE !QUEUE Shows the queue of youtube songs. R+ Yes
!SKIP !SKIP Skips the current youtube song. M+ Yes
!BOTNICK !BOTNICK Bob Changes the bots name to the applied name, in this case it changed the bots name to "Bot" O+ No
!BOT !BOT h 413 Updates the bots clothing, !bot h 413 puts the BETA hat on the bots head.
!bot c is for colour
!bot f is for face
!bot n is for neck
!bot b is for body
!bot ha is for hands
!bot feet is for feet
!bot flag is for pin/flag
!bot p is for photo.
M+ No
!ACTIVITY !ACTIVITY Lists the rooms which have users in them. R+ No
!LOCKROOM !LOCKROOM 100 Locks a room by room ID. In this case, the Town Center would be locked and only staff would be able to access it. A+ Yes
!UNLOCKROOM !UNLOCKROOM 100 Unlocks a room by room ID. In this case, the Town Center would be unlocked and everyone would be able to access it. A+ Yes
!ALLOWINROOM !ALLOWINROOM 100 Rocket Allows a regular user to enter a locked room. In this case, Rocket would be allowed to enter the Town Center. A+ Yes
!RFROOM !RFROOM 100 Rocket Disables a regular user who was originally allowed to enter a locked room from entering. In this case, Rocket would be disallowed to enter the Town Center. A+ Yes
!ALLOWEDINROOM !ALLOWEDINROOM 100 Lists the regular users who are allowed the enter the locked room. In this case, it would list the regular users that are allowed to enter the Town Center. A+ Yes
!LOCKEDROOMS !LOCKEDROOMS Lists all the rooms that are locked. A+ Yes
!MODS / STAFF !MODS / STAFF Lists all the staff members that are online on the CPPS. R+ No
!ALLUSERS !ALLUSERS Lists all the users that are online on the CPPS. R+ No
!REFRESH !REFRESH Refreshes your edited settings without a server reboot. O+ No
!REJOIN !REJOIN Rejoins the room you're currently in. R+ No
!ONLINE !ONLINE Rocket Checks if a user is online. In this case, it would check if Rocket is online on the CPPS. R+ No
!GR !GR Rocket Test Gives a user a custom rank. In this case, Rocket would be given the custom rank 'Test'. A+ No
!RR !RR Rocket Removes custom rank from a user. In this case, Rocket would no longer have a custom rank. A+ No
!GOTO !GOTO Rocket Takes you to the room of the chosen room. M+ No
!ROOMID !ROOMID Tells you the ID of the current room you're in. R+ No
!GIVESWORD !GIVESWORD Rocket Gives a sword to the provided user. A+ No
!REMOVESWORD !REMOVESWORD Rocket Removes the sword from the provided user. A+ No
!SETSWORD !SETSWORD Rocket ironSword Sets the sword of the provided user. A+ No
!AMMO !AMMO Tells you how much ammo you have. R+ No
!GIVEAMMO !GIVEAMMO Rocket 20 Gives a specified amount of ammo to a user, in this case Rocket would be given 20 bullets. A+ No
!GIVEGUN !GIVEGUN Rocket Gives a gun to the provided user. A+ No
!REMOVEGUN !REMOVEGUN Rocket Removes the gun from the provided user. A+ No
!SETGUN !SETGUN Rocket agencyPistol Sets the gun of the provided user. A+ No
!H !H / H Rocket Tells you the amount of health for the provided user. R+ No
!REVIVE !REVIVE Rocket Revives a user from the dead. A+ No
!REVIVEALL !REVIVEALL Revives all users from the dead. A+ No
!REJOIN !REJOIN Rejoins the room you're currently in. R+ No
!RJ !RJ Rejoins the room you're currently in. R+ No
!IMMUNEDEATH !IMMUNEDEATH Disables you from being killed if weapons are enabled on the server. O+ No
!SWORDLIST !SWORDLIST Shows a list of all swords available in the server. R+ No
!GUNLIST !GUNLIST Shows a list of all guns available in the server. R+ No
!GRANT !GRANT Rocket invisibility Grants a specific ability to a user.
invisibility - allow a user to become invisible.
djinn - allow a user to have a djinn effect.
R+ No
!SPEAK !SPEAK Rocket Hello Makes a specific user say a specific message of your choice. A+ No
!SPEAKALL !SPEAKALL Hello Makes everyone in your current room say a specific message of your choice. O+ No
!WPCOLOR !WPCOLOR sword FFFFFF Changes your weapon color (sword/gun/rapid) to a color of your choice. A+ Yes
!SPAWN !SPAWN rockets 10 Spawns a specific amount of bots from a specific group of bots created on the server. A+ Yes
!DESPAWN !DESPAWN Despawns all bots spawned by you on the server. A+ Yes
!BOTSPEAK !BOTSPEAK Hello Speaks a specific message through all bots that have been spawned by you on the server. A+ Yes
!DC !DC ac Disables or enables a command of your choice for everyone on the server. O+ No